Positive Mindset And Your Fitness Goals

Getting in shape and improving your health requires more than just physical exercise and nutrition. It also requires a positive mindset and motivation to consistently maintain healthy habits. As you get started, know that the power to achieve your fitness goals is in your hands. A halfhearted attempt at fitness, or anything else you endeavor to do will most likely end in failure.

So, you must stay motivated above all else. Your decision to get fit has a lot of power, it’s like an out-of-control fire. You must fuel the fire with commitment and enthusiasm. And once you’ve reached your goals, your fire is never really extinguished. You can shift your focus on maintaining the goal you worked so hard to achieve.

The following tips will help you develop a positive mindset and stay on track towards your fitness goals.

1. Goal-Setting

The first thing you must do is accept your past failures… it’s not like you have much choice in the matter. But this is a good thing. You must have a foundation to build you success on. Let your pass failure be that foundation.

If this is your first attempt at fitness, use all the feelings and emotions you’ve been feeling that got you to this point. Here, where you are reading this article. Looking for positive motivation to get started.

Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is essential for achieving a positive mindset and getting in shape. Write down your goals and attach them to your mirror or somewhere you can view them everyday to remind yourself of your purpose. This will help you stay engaged 100% as you progress.

2. Consistency

The common problem most people have is lack of enthusiasm which equals a lack of consistency. Being Consistent is essential when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. If you don’t structure your day to include your work out (whatever it may be), life will get in the way.

Set a schedule and stick to it. Make a commitment to yourself and your health, and don’t let excuses get in the way. Show up every day or on your schedule day and you will see positive results. Your schedule will run smooth for a while.

When it starts to get off track, you may need to readjust your schedule to make it work. But keep your work-out in there. And, you may need to say no to some activities to make it work. I know that’s a bummer but, we have to do what we have to do!

3. Self-Care

Self-care is important for maintaining a positive mindset and reducing stress levels. Take time for yourself every day to relax, unwind, and recharge.

This can include activities such as:


Whether you like the old fashion way of grabbing an actual book to read or reading something on your device of choice. It’s always relaxing. For some people, it puts them to sleep. For others, it lets them escape into a fantasy world for a short time. Either way, it works.

Watch a movie

Man searching for movie

I call it vegetating in front of the screen/device. There is a wide range of cable channels. An as far as I can tell, there are a lot of streaming services to choose from. Some are free. And everybody likes free.

Spend some time with your pet

man playing with dog

Spending time with your pet is as relaxing as you may expect, the difference is you’re not doing this by yourself. There is no judgement about this, that or the other. Just in the moment having fun.

Retreating to your quite place

This is my favorite one. After a long noisy day at work, all you want to do is get home and get to that quite place for at least 5 minutes (more if you can manage it). Sometimes that’s hard to pull off if you have a family, but try any way. It’s worth it.

Practicing yoga

I’m no expert, but it looks to me like yoga is a mix of mind and body relaxation. It helps to release mental stress such as anxiety and anger, and also improves concentration. And it helps to release physical stress from your neck and back.

4. Nutrition

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Nutrition is also very important for reaching your fitness goals. Fuel your body with whole, nutrient-dense foods that provide energy and support your overall health.

Such as:
Vegetables and fruits
Vitamin and mineral rich meats and seafoods
For energy try an assortment of nuts and berries

Processed foods such as frozen meals (also known as TV dinners) frozen pizza and hot dogs
Excess sugar like soft drinks, energy drinks, baked goods, chips, and cookies

Alcohol consumed in excess as we all know is not good for anyone. Some alcoholic beverages are better for you and some are worse. There are so many on the market that I could not begin to decide which is witch. Just remember, too much of anything can negatively impact your physical and mental health.

5. Exercise

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Exercise is essential for getting in shape and improving your health. whatever exercise you enjoy and it gets you pumped up, incorporate it into your regular routine.

This could include

Resistance Training

Make sure to mix up your workouts to prevent boredom and keep you engaged. Also switching up your exercise routine helps you avoid overusing one muscle/muscle group. This gives your muscles time to heal, grow and strengthen.

6. Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can help you develop a positive mindset and stay focused on your fitness goals .Mindfulness is knowing what you can and cannot do right now. Knowing that if you keep working, keep pushing yourself you will achieve your goals. This can be done through meditation, deep breathing, or simply being present during your workouts.

This is my personal version of Mindfulness. It differs somewhat from other views on the subject. It has worked for me and I hope it works for you.

7. Motivation

Motivation is extremely important to reach your fitness goals. Figure out what that thing/things is that motivates you and use it every day until it becomes a habit. It will be easier to stay on track and reach your fitness goals.

This could be a:

Workout Buddy
Fitness app
Favorite music play-list
Audio book
Some Motivational quote

In conclusion, achieving a positive mindset is essential for getting in shape and improving your health. Set SMART goals, be consistent, practice self-care, prioritize nutrition and exercise, and stay motivated. By adopting these healthy habits, you’ll be on your way to a healthier and happier you.

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